Aviva Investors is extending the deadline to enter the Aviva Investors Sustainability Media Awards 2022. The new deadline will be Friday, 12th August 2022.

The Awards, which recognises excellence in reporting across sustainability-linked topics in the UK media, aim to celebrate the consistently high standards achieved by publications in the national press, institutional and wholesale investment trade media and specialist ESG publications. We welcome submissions from reporters, including freelancers, editors, sub-editors and editorial teams.

The independent judging panel will compromise of:

·       Rhian-Mari Thomas, Green Finance Institute

·       James Alexander, UKSIF

·       Sarah Gordon, Impact Investing Institute

·       Mark Cobley, PRI Association

·       Katie White, WWF

·       Emma Howard Boyd, Environment Agency

Presentation of the Awards will take place on the evening of Thursday, November 3rd at Aviva’s offices at St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ. Your safety is important, and the event will be held in accordance with prevailing Government guidelines and recommendations. Further details will be communicated in due course.

To enter, please fill out the document attached and return it by email to [email protected]  by the closing date, Friday, 12th August. Please note that the word counts specified below are merely for guidance and we leave it up to your discretion on how much information you would like to provide. Shorter word counts will not affect your chances of winning the awards.

Please see the full set of this year’s categories below.


1.            Publication of the Year

This award recognises the publication among the UK’s national titles, wholesale and institutional investment trade press and specialist ESG media, which has been at the forefront of the sustainability agenda over the last year (June 2021 – June 2022).

Publications are invited to submit a selection of up to three articles, an outline of any initiatives undertaken and key hires, along with an 800-word summary detailing their contribution to the sustainability debate.

2.       Editor of the year

This award recognises the editor that has made the biggest contribution to the media landscape on the topic of sustainability over the last year (June 2021 – June 2022).

Candidates can be self-nominated or by a third party, but all submissions must include an 800-word summary and up to three supporting articles or pieces of documentation.

3.       Articles of the year

Last year’s news and features categories have been merged to recognize instead articles across distinct core areas of sustainability. Journalists are invited to submit one article and a 500-word summary for any/all of the sub-categories.

Stories must have been published in the last year (June 2021 – June 2022). An overall winner may be selected at the Judges’ discretion.

·       Climate change article of the year:

o   Articles and summaries should demonstrate how climate change and the challenges it poses for the asset management industry, its clients, and wider society, are influencing investment selection and decision making, engagement with investee companies, product development and corporate values.  

·       Biodiversity article of the year:

o   Articles and summaries should demonstrate how biodiversity loss and other natural capital themes, and the challenges these pose for the asset management industry, its clients, and wider society, are influencing investment selection and decision making, engagement with investee companies, product development and corporate values.  

·       Social article of the year:

o   Articles and summaries should demonstrate how social and human rights topics, and the challenges these pose for the asset management industry, its clients, and wider society, are influencing investment selection and decision making, engagement with investee companies, product development and corporate values.  

·       Policy and regulation article of the year:

o   Articles and summaries should demonstrate an understanding of how evolving policy and regulation is/is not reshaping the rules and direction of ESG for the better protection and understanding of investors.

 4.       Judges’ Choice Award for Best Contribution to Climate Change Journalism

Awarded at the discretion of the judging panel, this category looks to recognise a journalist or editor that has made an outstanding contribution to climate change journalism over a prolonged period. We invite the submission of up to three articles, an outline of any industry or societal campaigns where the individual has played a key role, and an accompanying 800-word summary detailing their contribution to the climate change debate.

5.       Newcomer of the Year

Journalists with less than two years of investment media experience as of June 2020 will be commended for their input into the sustainability debate. Please provide a 500-word summary of the candidate’s experience to date, their major achievements over the last year (June 2021 – June 2022) and a selection of up to three articles.

6.       Best editorial ESG/Sustainability campaign

This award recognises the editorial team/publication’s sustainability-focused campaign conducted/launched in the last year (June 2021 – June 2022). The successful campaign can be focused on any aspect of sustainability and ESG. Please provide an 800-word summary and accompanying documentation to outline the objectives and results of the campaign submitted.

7.       Real Assets Publication of the Year

This award recognises the dedicated Real Assets publication within the UK media, which has been at the forefront of the sustainability agenda over the last year (June 2021 – June 2022). Publications are invited to submit a selection of up to three articles, an outline of any initiatives or campaigns they have conducted in the last year, key hires and an 800-word summary of why they are qualified to win this accolade.

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