JLL has been included in Ethisphere’s World’s Most Ethical Companies list for a 15th consecutive year recognizing its commitment to business integrity through best-in-class ethics, compliance and governance practices.

Ethisphere defines and advances standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success and provides a community of industry experts that takes the form of a dedicated Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA).

In 2022, the organization recognized 136 companies from 22 countries and 45 industries, with JLL included as one of only four honorees from the real estate industry and one of only 12 that have been on the list 15 times or more.

“It’s an honor to be included in Ethisphere Institute’s 2022 list of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 15th consecutive year – a tenure only a handful of companies have achieved,” says Alan Tse, JLL Global Chief Legal Officer. “As one of our core values, ethics is at the heart of everything we do at JLL, and our steadfast commitment to integrity is key to helping us shape the future of real estate for a better world.”

“Today, business leaders face their greatest mandate yet to be ethical, accountable, and trusted to drive positive change,” adds Ethisphere CEO, Timothy Erblich. “We continue to be inspired by the World’s Most Ethical Companies honorees and their dedication to integrity, sustainability, governance and community. Congratulations to JLL for earning the World’s Most Ethical Companies designation.”

JLL has also been recognized with Ethisphere Ethics Inside Certification following a comprehensive review and evaluation of its corporate governance systems and practices, ethics and compliance program, corporate citizenship and responsibility initiatives, and leadership, reputation and legal history.

Clients and third-party organizations continue to recognize JLL globally for its ethics, corporate citizenship and commitment to being an employer of choice, with the company scooping the following awards during the last year:

  • Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
  • Drucker Institute WSJ Management Top 250
  • Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies
  • Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index
  • Newsweek America’s Most Responsible Companies

Ethics & Performance

Ethisphere’s 2022 Ethics Index, the collection of publicly traded companies recognized as recipients of this year’s World’s Most Ethical Companies designation, outperformed a comparable index of large cap companies by 24.6 percentage points over the past five calendar years.

Methodology & Scoring

Grounded in Ethisphere’s proprietary Ethics Quotient®, the World’s Most Ethical Companies assessment process includes more than 200 questions on culture, environmental and social practices, ethics and compliance activities, governance, diversity, and initiatives to support a strong value chain. The process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify the leading practices of organizations across industries and around the globe.


The full list of the 2022 World’s Most Ethical Companies is available at

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